What is narb.app?
Narb.app is a Discord Bot companion app for Predecessor.
It provides you with stats for heroes, items and players. You can even track other players' matches and get live updates as they finish!
Player Stats
Using /player, shows you all kinds of useful information.
Want to have a quick look-up on your opponents from draft?
Or simply want to show off your dazzling rank?

Follow Players
Wanted to keep up with matches your friends are playing?
With /follow you can add players to a list that keeps you updated on recent matches.
It even knows when you've played in a match together.
Hero & Item Stats
Forgot what Narbash Thunk scales with?
Perhaps you wanted to know how gold efficient is an item?
Using the commands /hero and /item, you have all this information inside your Discord Server
Add Narbash to your Server